steve reilly wrote:
-- SNIP -- there are some people in this world who have no interest in learning of the inner workings of an os, they just want to turn on a pc, and have it work! There are a few distros out there that are SO close to this right now, you used ubuntu or sled 10 yet?
No, I jumped right into Linux, with SuSE 10.0, in 2005. I tried Debian briefly, but soon found I liked SuSE better. Noticed your mention of trs-80. My first desk top was a TI-99. I could say more, but it would probably be best to move to the OT (off topic) list if we're gonna get too carried away with history. And I haven't subscribed to that yet. I too have found this list very helpful. -- ED -- P.S. Sorry Steve, didn't intend to send that direct.