into electronic streams flowing thru the cosmos On Tuesday 31 October 2006 4:13 pm, Chuck Davis wrote: I reformatted to put the question in front of the answer, as he top posted his reply.
Just curious.. there seems to be a major problem w/ BS dsl in the whole state of Florida, which they once blamed on ( take your choice ) fiberglass wires , and distance from a tree that was designated the limit of the service ( I kid you not at all ) And currently they blame on weather, corruption of the modem ( they supply ) or maybe the wires or da dadah DAH! Linux ... somehow linux or the power of the wires is "frying the modem". Call me crazy, I don't buy it.. and in this case copper wired to the house is supposed to ensure that we are getting their fastest thru put ; we are in the center of the area they serve w/ this DSL system on our street. and as my results above show, w/ only my email account picking up the mail every 2 hrs during daytimes and 6 hrs at night, I I find it silly for them to blame the OS.. I don't see how anything is frying the modem, their favorite "fixit" idea is to unplug the modem for a few secconds and replug everything back in.. or get rid of our router and plug the computers directly into the modem, rather than into the router.. DuH! Don't see how that is going to speed things up any.. didn't help before when we just had the router and no modem needed..
The following was just under the bit that says " On Tuesday 31 October 2006 4:13 pm, Chuck Davis wrote:"
Well, of course I can't tell you what is wrong but I met an interesting event a few weeks back. My DSL connection was really slow. Finally my daughter called Verizon and, since she didn't have a clue what they were talking about, put me on the line. They had me hook my machine direcly to the cable modem and sign on to their speed test site. The speed went to full speed immediately. I could not believe it but there was no doubt it was my router. I got a new router and my daughter then asked me, "Could it be because Conner (my grandson) pulled it onto the floor a couple of times?" So, don't rule out that it could be your router. Hook your computer directly to the modem and test the speed. You, too, might be surprised! <snip> Yes, but we replaced the router on several occasions even going to the trouble of actually buying a couple of new ones! It doesn't change ... It looks faster on their page ? So did going to Shields Up in the old days.
Make one think because he was mainly testing to see if you had the Windows netbios port open , maybe still is. So you might , w/ a linux system and a default Suse install , come out w/ a really glowing report. Suse didn't open that port (213?) something like that .. you might tho, actually still have vulnerabilities if you hadn't patched your system regularly but Shields up wasn't the place to discover that. Bellsouth has a Windows mentality , tho we are gradually winning some of the techs over. The company policy is to treat all complaints as windows problems. Ours when checked by plugging into their modem doesn't get more than a couple of KBS faster. As I said, 10LBS up and 7 up seems way too slow for anything that calls itself DSL. -- j You wrote a note with chalk on my door. A message I'd known long before: On any given day, you'll find me gone