27 Jan
27 Jan
Gentoo: http://forums.gentoo.org/ Posts: 3,005,617 Registered Users: 105,423 Users online: 235 Ubuntu: http://ubuntuforums.org Posts: 680,568 Registered users: 68,264 Users online: 706 Fedora: http://forums.fedoraforums.org Posts: 621,755 Registered Users: 60,167 Users Online: 4402 I will just state again, that people who talk about gateways etc between mailing lists and the web forum, haven't got full comprehension of what a successful web forum is about. There is no reason that an openSUSE web forum will not rival any of the above in terms of usage. And does anybody who thinks that the mailing lists on these other distros are non-functioning because they have successful web forums? Of course not.