On Wednesday 01 Oct 2014 01:28:21 Dirk Gently wrote:
Ricardo Chung wrote:
On Wednesday, October 01, 2014 02:13:27 AM Carlos E. R. wrote:
On 2014-09-30 20:52, David Haller wrote:
On Tue, 30 Sep 2014, Carlos E. R. wrote:
Further discussion is futile.
This attitude displayed not only by you reminds a LOT of something...
"We are systemd of Borg. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated."
I know :-)
But, the meaning is different, and you did not understand it.
We can talk, discuss, argue, insult one another as much as you wish... to no purpose. Linux is not a democracy, there is no voting. It is the people that do the work who decide things. And they decided to use systemd. And no matter how much some people hate it, there is nothing they can do... except get working and create a fork, branch, whatever, using sytemv instead.
Further discussion is, thus, futile.
If we can not fork and develop a desirable alternative to status quo any furious discussion is futile. It only gets people hurt, angry, despaired, defenseless and hopeless.
IIRC, the maintainers of systemV were having some difficulties to keep it up and fully functional with each release. I do ignore the full insights. I just remember some distros decision to switch to systemd was based on the those arguments (fully true or not true on details will need the inside developers to tell.).
It obvious systemd has some advocates and detractors. Both sides have arguments to sustain ad infinitum.
Reality check show us we are not developing a real and complete solutions to actual issues under the hood. Not just openSUSE but the Linux UNIX community (all planning to move to systemd because not true alternatives on their ways). Actually, there are several.
Look. This is all a powerplay by RedHat -- they're the one's cutting checks to Sievert and Poettering so that they can continue this vandalism 8+ hours a day rather than working for a living.
If you all want to be slaves to Redhat, then don't complain to me when you wake up one day and realize that they own you.
Well, why don't you put your money where your mouth is and bog off to xBSD or Slack and unsubscribe from opensuse forums (doing the latter first would be preferable to us all)
Best Regards,
P.S.: No Flames Required
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