Ewan Leith wrote:
If you aren't interested in doing weird technical stuff, ximian gnome is now suse 7.3 and suse 8.0 compliant.
You can fairly easily go to www.ximian.com follow the instructions, and end up with a good working gnome1.4 with evolution 1.0.8.
Thanks. In fact I did this in the previous trial (for the message you're responding to, I wiped the Ximian experiment and restarted with just SuSE to see if I could make it work, but before that, I tried Ximian). When I did the previous trial, the Ximian download worked perfeclty. Evolution and Gnome-pilot synching worked without any drama at all. What I wondered, and didn't know was - will the SuSE tools and system (YaST, etc.) continue to work as expected? Will they administer with the changes Ximian makes to my system? What I don't need is to go for a month, try to install something using the tools SuSE has provided or make some other change, and find that my system is in some indeterminate state so that the SuSE tools don't work, the diagnostic messages aren't consistent, and I face spending time tearing my hair out trying to make up for these problems. And this is a general problem - I don't want to diddle with Linux, I want to use my computer. I want to send and receive faxes, write documents, browse the web, set up new projetcts of my own and work on them. I don't want to spend time figuring out why my computer isn't working. I DO want to learn about Linux, and how to administer whatever system I end up with - but I need a working system to start with, and to get on with the rest of my life. I know it's hard to be certain software will work properly on all possible configuations - I'm a Software Quality Assurance Analyst for a living. So, I also know what a mess it is to lose track of what's going on with a system, and I don't have time for it. So, in this context, if I mix SuSE and Ximian, am I going to get bitten? I tried Redhat 7.3, and everything seems to work with my hardware, but then I faced learning how to administer a different system than I've been using - I've used SuSE since 5.something (I don't remember now), and I was hoping I could continue. Will putting some of Ximinan on my system saddle me with figuring out things the SuSE people didn't design for and that the Ximian people didn't design for? I want a computer, not a hobby <grin>. Have you been using Ximian for long? Have you installed all of Ximian, or just Evolution? Do the SuSE tools still work, is the system still consistent, or is it a compromise? Regards, Bret