2 Dec
2 Dec
El Dijous, 1 de Desembre de 2005 21:24, Sunny va escriure:
I did it using apt.
Anyway, Paul, do you have any font problems after that upgrade? My KDE now behaves very strange. It can not pick the highest resolution set in X.
Seems that the problem (with my keept back packets) is because the new KDE 3.5 works with xorg instead of xfree86. I'm running xfree86. The change is easy, without problems? I use nVidia with the proprietary drivers, that are a headache :( I've seen similar font problems with Kubuntu. Maybe this solution works for SUSE: http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kf1.html#setxdpi If you solve the problem, maybe I get courage and switch to xorg :) -- Benjamí http://weblog.bitassa.net .