** Reply to message from zentara <zentara@zentara.net> on Mon, 3 Feb 2003 15:37:24 -0500
I think it would be better to ask why Windows does it with CRLF? Mac uses CR, so why would Windows waste all those bits?
inertia, I suspect, back in the Great Darkness they hit on that method, and never ever looked back. IIRC, they never do .. it's one reason there was a thought during the Federal trial that some thought they might actually not know how to remove any parts of the OS , they don't really know what is in there , nor what it does.. Apparently there still are bits of text they would rather not have the Feds see. The rest of us don't matter , and if we tell people there are items or lines that says X isn't done til Y wont run .. well, we're just exaggerating or making it up .. or similar stuff. I ht ought it was odd when that bit of doggerel turned up in a book that was , for the most part complimentary to his Gatesness... ( Bill Gates Hard Drive ) written w/ some assistance of the Windows folk by two "Investigative Reporters" of the local paper. It's a funny read if you can locate it , "Warts and All" part consists of items recalling that the man doesn't maintain even the slightest modicum of hygiene ... and that he doesn't suffer fools , well, actually he doesn't suffer any sort of contradiction , so I'm not certain the last means anything in the real world. The rest is PR .. but it is often unintentionally funny. Unfortunately I finished it on one of the road trips, and I tend to just leave books where ever I finish them.. no point in lugging it round in the baggage. -- j afterthought: Who you callin' "argumentative", Bucko?