Sabiendo que la partición /home tenía ciertas inconsistencias, que había reparado a lo bruto con el comando: xfs_repair -L /dev/sdb2 Sabía que debía desfragmentarla, consulté y había contestado Carlos al respecto. Parte de la información, fue util, para ver el porcentage de fragmentación: xfs_db -c frag -r /dev/sdb2 Basado en la inercia de que con otros sistemas uno debe realizar la desfragmentación con la partición desmontada, motivo por el cual arranque con el DVD de instalación en modo "Rescue" (rescate), y ejecuté primero el comando citado, el cual me arrojó una fragmentación del 47.4% (adjunto captura de pantalla). Pero no encontré la forma de ejecutar el comando de desfragmentación xfs_fsr. Opté por iniciar normalmente el sistema, y me acordé del comando man, para ver como ejecutar el comando en cuestión, y allí me entero de que el volumen o partición puede estar montado, PERO NO MUEVE LOS ARCHIVOS ABIERTOS EN MEMORIA. Ver: man xfs_fsr Inicié la desfragmentación con el comando: xfs_fsr -vdg Despues de poco mas de una hora, vi que había terminado de desfragmentar la unidad de 1.8 TB, que tiene alrededor de 1 TB ocupado. Para ver como quedó, ejecuté: xfs_db -c frag -r /dev/sdb2 actual 309339, ideal 308055, fragmentation factor 0,42% Ojo! No se debería utilizar en unidades SSD. Aqui va parte del texto del manual: (en consola man xfs_fsr) When invoked with no arguments xfs_fsr reorganizes all regular files in all mounted filesystems. xfs_fsr makes many cycles over /etc/mtab each time making a single pass over each XFS filesystem. Each pass goes through and selects files that have the largest number of extents. It attempts to defragment the top 10% of these files on each pass. It runs for up to two hours after which it records the filesystem where it left off, so it can start there the next time. This information is stored in the file /var/tmp/.fsrlast_xfs. If the information found here is somehow inconsistent or out of date it is ignored and reorganization starts at the beginning of the first filesystem found in /etc/mtab. xfs_fsr can be called with one or more arguments naming filesystems (block device name), and files to reorganize. In this mode xfs_fsr does not read or write /var/tmp/.fsrlast_xfs nor does it run for a fixed time interval. It makes one pass through each specified regular file and all regular files in each specified filesystem. A command line name referring to a symbolic link (except to a file system device), FIFO, or UNIX domain socket generates a warning message, but is otherwise ignored. While traversing the filesystem these types of files are silently skipped. FILES /etc/mtab contains default list of filesystems to reorganize. /var/tmp/.fsrlast_xfs records the state where reorganization left off. SEE ALSO xfs_fsr(8), mkfs.xfs(8), xfs_ncheck(8), xfs(5). NOTES xfs_fsr improves the layout of extents for each file by copying the entire file to a temporary location and then interchanging the data extents of the target and temporary files in an atomic man- ner. This method requires that enough free disk space be available to copy any given file and that the space be less fragmented than the original file. It also requires the owner of the file to have enough remaining filespace quota to do the copy on systems running quotas. xfs_fsr generates a warning message if space is not sufficient to improve the target file. A temporary file used in improving a file given on the command line is created in the same parent directory of the target file and is prefixed by the string '.fsr'. The temporary files used in improving an entire XFS device are stored in a directory at the root of the target device and use the same naming scheme. The temporary files are unlinked upon creation so data will not be read- able by any other process. xfs_fsr does not operate on files that are currently mapped in memory. A 'file busy' error can be seen for these files if the verbose flag (-v) is set. -- USA LINUX OPENSUSE QUE ES SOFTWARE LIBRE, NO NECESITAS PIRATEAR NADA Y NI TE VAS A PREOCUPAR MAS POR LOS VIRUS Y SPYWARES: Puedes visitar mi blog en: