openSUSE Security Update: update for icinga ______________________________________________________________________________ Announcement ID: openSUSE-SU-2014:0069-1 Rating: moderate References: #851619 #856837 Cross-References: CVE-2013-7108 Affected Products: openSUSE 13.1 ______________________________________________________________________________ An update that solves one vulnerability and has one errata is now available. Description: - imported upstream version 1.10.2 - includes fix for possible denial of service in CGI executables: CVE-2013-7108 (bnc#856837) * core: Add an Icinga syntax plugin for Vim #4150 - LE/MF * core: Document dropped options log_external_commands_user and event_profiling_enabled #4957 - BA * core: type in spec file on ido2db startup #5000 - MF * core: Build fails: xdata/xodtemplate.c requires stdint.h #5021 - SH * classic ui: fix status output in JSON format not including short and long plugin output properly #5217 - RB * classic ui: fix possible buffer overflows #5250 - RB * classic ui: fix Off-by-one memory access in process_cgivars() #5251 - RB * idoutils: idoutils oracle compile error #5059 - TD * idoutils: Oracle update script 1.10.0 failes while trying to drop nonexisting index #5256 - RB - imported upstream version 1.10.1 * core: add line number information to config verification error messages #4967 - GB * core/idoutils: revert check_source attribute due to mod_gearman manipulating in-memory checkresult list #4958 - MF ** classic ui/idoutils schema: functionality is kept only for Icinga 2 support * classic ui: fix context help on mouseover in cmd.cgi (Marc-Christian Petersen) #4971 - MF * classic ui: correction of colspan value in status.cgi (Bernd Arnold) #4961 - MF * idoutils: fix pgsql update script #4953 - AW/MF * idoutils: fix logentry_type being integer, not unsigned long (thx David Mikulksi) #4953 - MF - fixed file permission of icingastats - bnc#851619 - switch to all unhandled problems per default in index.html Patch Instructions: To install this openSUSE Security Update use YaST online_update. Alternatively you can run the command listed for your product: - openSUSE 13.1: zypper in -t patch openSUSE-2014-42 To bring your system up-to-date, use "zypper patch". Package List: - openSUSE 13.1 (i586 x86_64): icinga-1.10.2-4.6.1 icinga-debuginfo-1.10.2-4.6.1 icinga-debugsource-1.10.2-4.6.1 icinga-devel-1.10.2-4.6.1 icinga-doc-1.10.2-4.6.1 icinga-idoutils-1.10.2-4.6.1 icinga-idoutils-debuginfo-1.10.2-4.6.1 icinga-idoutils-mysql-1.10.2-4.6.1 icinga-idoutils-oracle-1.10.2-4.6.1 icinga-idoutils-pgsql-1.10.2-4.6.1 icinga-plugins-downtimes-1.10.2-4.6.1 icinga-plugins-eventhandlers-1.10.2-4.6.1 icinga-www-1.10.2-4.6.1 icinga-www-debuginfo-1.10.2-4.6.1 monitoring-tools-1.10.2-4.6.1 monitoring-tools-debuginfo-1.10.2-4.6.1 References: http://support.novell.com/security/cve/CVE-2013-7108.html https://bugzilla.novell.com/851619 https://bugzilla.novell.com/856837