[opensuse-translation] capitalization in translations

Hi all! A have a question about the capitalization used in menus, etc. Is there any restriction for us, translators, to use our own standard? (eg. without capitalize the first letter - "Save As" -> "Save as"(translated of course)). I'm asking because I didn't found any recomendation for translators in the openSUSE Style Guide and because we at Brazil are starting a discution wich involve the translators of the major distros/programs (KDE, GNOME, XFCE, openSUSE, Fedora, LDP, etc) about this theme. Regards, Luiz Fernando Ranghetti --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-translation+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-translation+help@opensuse.org

2008/5/11 ¡ElCheVive! <elchevive68@gmail.com>:
Hi all!
A have a question about the capitalization used in menus, etc. Is there any restriction for us, translators, to use our own standard? (eg. without capitalize the first letter - "Save As" -> "Save as"(translated of course)).
I'm asking because I didn't found any recomendation for translators in the openSUSE Style Guide and because we at Brazil are starting a discution wich involve the translators of the major distros/programs (KDE, GNOME, XFCE, openSUSE, Fedora, LDP, etc) about this theme.
Luiz Fernando Ranghetti ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Hi! My opinion is, that you should translate everything the most suitable way for your particular language. Save As... > Guardar como... Regards Jan --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-translation+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-translation+help@opensuse.org

2008/5/11 Jan Madsen <jan.madsen.pt@gmail.com>:
My opinion is, that you should translate everything the most suitable way for your particular language.
Save As... > Guardar como...
Thanks! Good to know. That's my opinion too... and just for curiosity: Save As... > Guardar como... -> pt Save As... > Salvar como... ->pt_BR regards, Luiz --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-translation+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-translation+help@opensuse.org

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 The Sunday 2008-05-11 at 17:14 +0100, Jan Madsen wrote:
2008/5/11 ¡ElCheVive! <elchevive68@>:
Hi all!
A have a question about the capitalization used in menus, etc. Is there any restriction for us, translators, to use our own standard? (eg. without capitalize the first letter - "Save As" -> "Save as"(translated of course)).
My opinion is, that you should translate everything the most suitable way for your particular language.
Save As... > Guardar como...
That's what we are doing in Spanish: we use the rules of our language. Other teams do the same; the Spanish KDE team, for instance, has an explanation of this practice in their web, why should not capitalize English Style. So: Save As... > Guardar como... - -- Cheers, Carlos E. R. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.4-svn0 (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQFIKCFitTMYHG2NR9URAsc3AJ41Il2JSoIAl+YrkEOzXUjzA8I0tQCfQwH0 PdIT+u6i2gcG+0E7ROmlTVM= =RI1C -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

On Monday May 12 2008 11:52:16 Carlos E. R. wrote:
The Sunday 2008-05-11 at 17:14 +0100, Jan Madsen wrote:
2008/5/11 ¡ElCheVive! <elchevive68@>:
Hi all!
A have a question about the capitalization used in menus, etc. Is there any restriction for us, translators, to use our own standard? (eg. without capitalize the first letter - "Save As" -> "Save as"(translated of course)).
My opinion is, that you should translate everything the most suitable way for your particular language.
Save As... > Guardar como...
That's what we are doing in Spanish: we use the rules of our language. Other teams do the same; the Spanish KDE team, for instance, has an explanation of this practice in their web, why should not capitalize English Style.
Well, the Portuguese team is leaving them as they are - capitalized. However, I never liked it because in some long sentences this capitalization style looks awful. Maybe for >= 11.1 we will change this... -- Regards, Carlos Goncalves --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-translation+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-translation+help@opensuse.org

Thanks for all replies... That's (follow our language) is what we are gonna make for 11.0, as the translators of GNOME, KDE and XFCE are going to implement this by now... Yes it will be a huge effort to proofread all the translated strings, but 'better later than never"... regards Luiz 2008/5/12 Carlos Goncalves <cgoncalves@opensuse.org>:
On Monday May 12 2008 11:52:16 Carlos E. R. wrote:
The Sunday 2008-05-11 at 17:14 +0100, Jan Madsen wrote:
2008/5/11 ¡ElCheVive! <elchevive68@>:
Hi all!
A have a question about the capitalization used in menus, etc. Is there any restriction for us, translators, to use our own standard? (eg. without capitalize the first letter - "Save As" -> "Save as"(translated of course)).
My opinion is, that you should translate everything the most suitable way for your particular language.
Save As... > Guardar como...
That's what we are doing in Spanish: we use the rules of our language. Other teams do the same; the Spanish KDE team, for instance, has an explanation of this practice in their web, why should not capitalize English Style.
Well, the Portuguese team is leaving them as they are - capitalized.
However, I never liked it because in some long sentences this capitalization style looks awful. Maybe for >= 11.1 we will change this...
-- Regards, Carlos Goncalves
To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-translation+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-translation+help@opensuse.org

We do the same in Italian: use our rules. For what I noticed, GNOME and its apps were doing that for a while, and also Windows and Mac do that, so it's probably a good idea to follow for consistency. Regards, A. Il giorno lun, 12/05/2008 alle 09.57 -0300, ¡ElCheVive! ha scritto:
Thanks for all replies...
That's (follow our language) is what we are gonna make for 11.0, as the translators of GNOME, KDE and XFCE are going to implement this by now... Yes it will be a huge effort to proofread all the translated strings, but 'better later than never"...
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Op zondag 11 mei 2008, schreef ¡ElCheVive!:
Hi all!
A have a question about the capitalization used in menus, etc. Is there any restriction for us, translators, to use our own standard? (eg. without capitalize the first letter - "Save As" -> "Save as"(translated of course)).
I'm asking because I didn't found any recomendation for translators in the openSUSE Style Guide and because we at Brazil are starting a discution wich involve the translators of the major distros/programs (KDE, GNOME, XFCE, openSUSE, Fedora, LDP, etc) about this theme.
Luiz Fernando Ranghetti
In Dutch most translaters do not use the capitalization which is used in the English version. There are rules in our language where to use uppercase, most of our translators obey these rules. -- fr.gr. Freek de Kruijf --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-translation+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-translation+help@opensuse.org

/me was stupid enough to send this somewhere else a few hours ago without noticing... ;/ On 5/11/08, ¡ElCheVive! <elchevive68@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all!
A have a question about the capitalization used in menus, etc. Is there any restriction for us, translators, to use our own standard? (eg. without capitalize the first letter - "Save As" -> "Save as"(translated of course)).
I'm asking because I didn't found any recomendation for translators in the openSUSE Style Guide and because we at Brazil are starting a discution wich involve the translators of the major distros/programs (KDE, GNOME, XFCE, openSUSE, Fedora, LDP, etc) about this theme.
I do not think that this is an openSUSE-specific issue. These things tend to be pretty generic, e.g., as you are probably aware, English uses the so-called "headline case", "headline-style capitalization" or "title-style capitalization" for headlines and titles, which is pretty complex ;-), but looks (at least approximately :-)) like this: Leopard Broke Out of FreeBSD Jail, Escaped from Apple Zoo and Killed Several Penguins Along the Way This capitalization was adopted for menu items a long time ago by Apple, MS, &co. and GNU/Linux software (graphical, with menus) just sticks to the rules that have been here before. You can find some of the most important rules here (for example): http://my.opera.com/revised/blog/2006/11/02/revised-intro - pretty complex, is it not? I hope I got it correct. ;-) Yet as the orthography rules for the Earth's languages vary almost as much as their grammars and vocabularies do, this way of writing headlines and titles is of little consequence to other languages than English. On top of that, while the first English-speaking-and-writing UI designers decided to use the headline style of their mother tongue for menu items, there is no reason for me to believe that this is a general case for all languages. Other languages may very well be using different rules for menu items than they have developed for headlines in writing, the latter issue being centuries older. For example, in Czech, we *are* writing menu items in a way that could be considered a "headline-style capitalization", but as this is a rule as simple as "Write the first letter of the first word in uppercase and leave the rest as it is, taking capital letters for proper names (and other important elements that you never write in lowercase) into consideration, of course", it is not too surprising that we have decided on using this for menu items, as we are already using it throughout the whole language: We write sentences with the first letter in uppercase and end them with a full stop, and we write titles the same way, only with the full stop missing. So it is not strictly a rule for headlines. I suggest you take a look at other Brazilian software, especially at software from Apple and Microsoft, as the local branches of these companies tend to closely cooperate with language-responsible institutions of the respective countries. This is the case at least in Czech Republic, where Microsoft, for example, has authored the Czech localization style guide in close and lenghty cooperation with the particular Czech institution that is considered responsible for keeping our language in shape. The result is probably one of the least bug-ridden contributions of Microsoft to our environment :-), as the language guide turns out to be very well accepted among the language experts. You might also be able to find similar documents for Brazilian Portuguese - but I cannot help you with that, your language is hardly my area of expertise. Here, you are one of the few experts on BP, but I wish you good luck. :-) Hope this helps. Best Regards, Jakub Hegenbart --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-translation+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-translation+help@opensuse.org
participants (7)
Alberto Passalacqua
Carlos E. R.
Carlos Goncalves
Freek de Kruijf
Jakub Hegenbart
Jan Madsen