Hi, I recognize your name and email address from SFS Translation Project :). On 7/12/06, Karl Eichwalder <ke@suse.de> wrote:
Karl Eichwalder <ke@suse.de> writes:
Now the yast bundle is available (I initialized it reusing some translations done by Clytie for GNOME related programs and the SUSE desktop menus):
Chi Clytie is very good translator. I with her are working on translation KDE. My focus is KDE, but Clytie is doing translation everywhere, include GNOME, KDE, Debian, OOo...
ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/noarch/i18n/yast/status-vi.all ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/noarch/i18n/yast/y2-vi.tar.gz
I recommend to start with installation, base, package* and similar modules. When you have finished two or three files, send them back to me and I'll add yast2-trans-vi to SUSE Linux for testing.
OK, got these files. I'm going to translate them today :). Thank you.
-- Karl Eichwalder R&D / Documentation SUSE Linux Products GmbH
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-- С уважением Phan Vĩnh Thịnh <teppi82 tại gmail chấm com> http://teppi82.googlepages.com Jabber: teppi82@jabber.ru