Am Montag 10 November 2008 schrieb Andrea Turrini:
Stephan Kulow wrote:
I don't think there are desktop files with plural
Yes, you are right. But now the translated file contains plural strings instead of singular ones. For example:
#: /usr/share/kde4/templates/TextDocument.desktop msgctxt "Name(TextDocument.desktop)" msgid "Text Document..." -msgstr "Documento di testo..." +msgstr "Documenti di testo..."
See kde svn: /trunk/l10n-kde4/it/messages/koffice/desktop_koffice.po: #: templates/TextDocument.desktop:2 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Text Document..." msgstr "Documenti di testo..." Report it against bugs.kde.org or contact the italian team.
- some modified strings seems to be replaced by strings generated by an automatic translator - some modified strings contain words that do not exists in Italian - some modified strings do not follow standard Italian translations (see http://en.opensuse.org/Translation-it#Elenco_delle_parole_di_uso_comune_ e_l oro_traduzione_standard ) - some modified strings contain fuzzy words or now they are ambiguous
Can you please point to an example string?
A string that does not follow standard translation:
+#: /usr/share/kde4/apps/kabc/formats/kdeaccountsplugin.desktop #: /opt/kde3/share/apps/kabc/formats/kdeaccountsplugin.desktop -#: /usr/share/kde4/apps/kabc/formats/kdeaccountsplugin.desktop msgctxt "Name(kdeaccountsplugin.desktop)" msgid "KDE Repository Accounts" -msgstr "Account della sorgente di installazione di KDE" +msgstr "Account del deposito di KDE"
Repository is always translated as "sorgente di installazione" and not as "deposito"
Not in KDE. both in kde3 and kde4 it's deposito. And I guess "KDE Repository" has little to do with installazione - if that's the italian word for installation or software.
For ambiguous strings:
#: /usr/share/applications/kde4/systemsettings.desktop msgctxt "Name(systemsettings.desktop)" msgid "Personal Settings" -msgstr "Impostazioni personali di sistema" +msgstr "Impostazioni di sistema"
The new string can be retranslated as "System settings". Probably the best translation for this string is "Impostazioni personali" (without "di sistema")
Again: it's the string from kdebase's workspace.
And for fuzzy strings:
#: /opt/kde3/share/apps/carddecks/decks/deck13.desktop msgctxt "Name(deck13.desktop)" msgid "Copy" -msgstr "Copia" +msgstr "Impronta"
"Impronta" is the translation of mark, print, but surely not copy.
Again, see kde svn: /branches/stable/l10n/it/messages/kdegames/desktop_kdegames.po #: libkdegames/carddecks/decks/deck13.desktop:2 msgid "Name=Copy" msgstr "Name=Impronta" I can understand why you're puzzled and that's why I asked you to check the commits - but I still think fixing the problems upstream is the way to go. I can change the default to prefer openSUSE translations till the release of 11.1, so you could fix the most prominent problems. But we need to stick to upstream, otherwise we keep old bugs around forever. Greetings, Stephan -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-translation+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-translation+help@opensuse.org