Op dinsdag 12 september 2023 15:31:22 CEST schreef eddie:
Hi I am trying to record a video from my webcam. Guvcview does a nice job recording the video but is unable to record sound. I have a logitech c920 webcam and I've tried several other programs with similar or worse results. Perhaps the best so far other than guvcview is perhaps obs studio but the lag in the video is terrible. Just wondering if anyone else has successfully recorded a video from their webcam including sound. Is anyone, attempting to fix guvcview as this seems to be a problem since 2021? Any thought or suggestions would be most welcomed. Thanks
Did you try to see the output of your webcam with vlc (use the one from packman). The documentation mentions that you can store the stream on disk by pressing the Record button. -- fr.gr. member openSUSE Freek de Kruijf