On Wed, Apr 26, 2023 at 10:32 AM cagsm <cumandgets0mem00f@gmail.com> wrote:
<https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1210546> https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/127769
no bug list any more? many weeks? impossible to solve? rocket science? opensuse project in decline? laying off too many? little to no funding? constantly reinventing new way to do things, to dismiss cpu instruction sets, et al? founding new foundations and projects and truly going no where? how can we have bug list again without the highly complicated and rockety scientifical way that apparently overwhelms nonexisting staff and corporate upstream mother entity couldnt care less what happens with its foster offspring named opensuzy? will geekos be any better in the future? i see little to no evidence. too many distributions and too much divide and conquer :( btw, speaking of geeko foundation: simply surfing geekos.org in a leap firefox brings up forbidden error etc, no real redirections to the actualy only working url with complete protocol and proper given: <https://geekos.org/>