неділя, 16 лютого 2020 р. 01:04:28 EET tomas.kuchta.lists@gmail.com написано:
This IT (web hosting) problem was mentioned here when we talked about what are the plans for 15.2 and opensuse.org website in general.
If I remember correctly, opensuse.org is hosted by/at Microfocus datacent somewhere in Provo, UT. SuSE and openSuse has no access to it and IT tickets are not being answered. There was some talk of releasing that HW/SW access to SuSE at some point. It has probably been forgotten or ....
While it was not said, based on my corporate experience, I would dare to guess that there is some unsurmountable obstacle in getting this done. Perhaps it is ownership problem or the fact that Microfocus does not see reason to do anything about it after SuSE spin off....
Yes, but maybe something could be done? If server could be moved somewhere else, maybe do it with some help of community (fundraising or some other help). Or if server couldn't be moved (due to policy or other reasons) and problem is linked to heavy load of bugzilla server, create something like mirror(s) for searching. Just stupid ideas. But this problem persists for quite a time. -- Kind regards, Mykola Krachkovsky -- Найкращі побажання, Микола Крачковський