Re: [suse-security] SuSEfirewall2 & dhcp

I have found that if icmp is blocked the dhcp server will not issue a lease. Typically a dhcp server will send out a icmp ping out before issuing a lease. Have you allowed icmp from yast2 when enabling the firewall? wade G. Senior Network Specialist Helpdesk:601-359-2837 Only in case of emergency or outage "Privilege becomes arrogance. Arrogance promotes injustice. The seed of ruin blossom." Frank Herbert. 1984. God Emperor of Dune.
clyde taylor <> 10/25/05 10:22AM >>> Running 9.2 with all updates. I'm trying to get a dhcp server running along with SuSEfirewall2. The dhcp server will run and issue ip info to my test boxes. but when i turn on the firewall the dhcp server can't issue anymore leases. I've tried configuring the firewall with yast2 and editing /etc/sysconfig/SuSEfirewall script all to know avial. Any info would be thankful. Clyde
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Wade Grant