I want to know if someone have experience with the antivir InoculateIT of CA with SLES7. IIRC ENF (as well as the on-access virus scanning feature) has been implemented as binary-only kernel module, which require certain kernel releases. Binary-only kernel modules are just crap, imho.
I'm using Inoculate IT for linux in combination with odeia (AV-Gateway) and standalone started via Cronjob. It is not inocmd32, seams to be for Windows it is inocucmd. You can get it free under /pub/getbbs of CA's ftp-server. I'm running it unser Suse 7.3
That's actually InoculateIT 4.0 for Linux, which is no longer supported and the scan engine itself is "out-of-date" IIRC. I was refering to the current version 6.x, which is not available via FTP, but only on request. The command line utility in 4.0 was called inocucmd (and is supported by AMaViS), in 6.x it's called inocmd32. best regards, Rainer Link -- Rainer Link | Student of Computer Networking link@suse.de | University of Applied Sciences, Furtwangen, Germany rainer.w3.to | http://www.computer-networking.de/