On Monday 01 May 2006 03:52, Crispin Cowan wrote:
To un-restrict AppArmor 1.2 in SUSE Linux 10.0, place the attached file darix.pem into /etc/apparmor/certs/ and it'll unlock the whole mess.
What's going on: AppArmor 1.2 in SL10.0 has an evil DRM hack in it so that it will only generate profiles for pathnames that SUSE has signed for. This was as open as we could make it at the time that SL10.0 had to ship last fall, before we had permission to open source AppArmor.
Thank you very much! So the restriction was a legal issue. I guess most people may have thought it had other reasons ;-) As Marcus suggested, wouldn´t it be even more nice to offer this certificate as a regular patch via YOU? Do you get any feedback from people using AA, is its use widely spread, any big names using it? Regards Malte