Half an hour is "normal" on my AMD Athlon750/128MB RAM/20GB HDD for YOU to build this list ... With iptraf I see *lots* of connections to the ftp server, which are only used shortly, then the next connection is going on for a while, and so on, very slow motion ... Philipp acidrein schrieb:
20 minutes? YOU takes *over an hour* to create a patch list on my old Armada notebook. There's no hint YOU is working, just that silly "initializing for ftp/http update" message.
Rick Green wrote:
On Sun, 23 Feb 2003, Richard Ibbotson wrote:
edit /etc/wgetrc and set "passive_ftp = on"
Is this a hint, a workaround OR the official solution/recommendation?
Pardon me for being to slow to wake up but... I've reproduced the same thing here. YaST2 breaks up and all kinds of error messages begin to appear all over the console. Adding the line "passive_ftp=on" doesn't make a difference. Still doesn't download the updates. Maybe I need to re-start something ?
Is there a fix for this ?
I've also experienced YOU locking up at the 'initializing for ftp/http...' message. No error messages, no crash. Task locked up - I have to kill it 20 minutes later when I'm convinced its going nowhere. This behaviour began several months ago, after one or two successful YOU updates. Was there a broken YOU update published at some point?
I see the following patch was applied: /var/lib/YaST2/you/i386/update/8.1/rpm/i586/yast2-online-update-2.6.14-0.i586.patch.rpm