Hi all! Don't know if this (ever) been told to the list -- apologies, if everyone knows, if not it may be helpful for _all_ queries to log entries. If noticed the following link on another mailing-list (I'm subscribed to): http://www.echogent.com/cgi-bin/fwlog.pl *** ! simply put in (cut&paste) one of your log entries and get the result ! *** Didn't have (enough) time to verify if it's (really) resolving _all_ queries, but: a) all queries I've made, made sense in my cases and: b) I assume, they did a REALLY GOOD WORK (and are going on!!)!! jdd wrote:
looking at the sure personal firewall (set as default, my server offers no service for outside) log, I found this:
Aug 28 23:21:20 phoenix kernel: Packet log: rulchain REJECT ippp0 PROTO=6 L=48 S=0x00 I=435 F=0x4000 T=123 SYN (#17) Aug 28 23:21:24 phoenix kernel: Packet log: rulchain REJECT ippp0 PROTO=6 L=48 S=0x00 I=985 F=0x4000 T=123 SYN (#17) Aug 28 23:21:28 phoenix kernel: Packet log: rulchain REJECT ippp0 PROTO=6 L=48 S=0x00 I=1892 F=0x4000 T=123 SYN (#17)
so it seems legal.
Really?? -->> See above! Hope that helps! -- best greetings from Solingen /GERMANY Dieter Hürten