31 Jul
31 Jul
Hi List, i still have SuSE7.0 running on my machine with apache and php3. Now there is the newest sec.-update for apache available at SuSE but there is no mod_ssl!! But I have to update this modul. I took a look in the section for newer SuSE-releases and there are mod_ssl-packages available! In June was a mod_ssl-package available for SuSE7.0 (which isn't there anylonger, don't know why), this isn't working with the apache-version 1.3.19-128 (only with the other version of apache: 1.3.19-115 -- but this version is also deleted from the SuSE-server) ... Short summary of my question: Where is the SSL module for the apache update to version 1.3.19-128 ? Regards Ruediger