Hi, been using SuSE since 5.3 now and have it running on at least 30 machines ranging from backoffice servers to firewalls, web- and email servers. Naturally I am administering these machines mostly via remote access (ssh) and since the mayor part of our customers is hooked up via ADSL I dont really want to use anything that consumes alot of bandwidth - the slimmer the better. If really have tried to become familiar with yast2 but because of all the reasons stated already earlier in this thread I still prefer yast1 and most likely this will not change unless I am forced to. Now, running my own company I have experienced that you may be able to force customers for a while but eventually you will loose most of them as soon as they find an alternative. Many times this is even quite an emotional decision rather than a matter of reasonable thought. Hearing that SuSE 8.0 drops yast1 is - at least for me - definitely a reason not to buy it. This may change in the future as older hardware dies and is replaced. But as it is now I have just too many machines running (and running fine!) that I cant replace but also cant upgrade anymore. It gets harder and harder with every SuSE distribution. As support for older SuSE versions is dropped I am forced to buy new hardware because I dont get security updates anymore (ah, not all off topic ;-) and the newest distro doesn't even install on the old machine anymore (or only with mayor hassle). Anyway, maybe SuSE could make a poll and then decide what their (esp. long time) users want ;-) Thanks for your consideration, Erwin PS.: and yes I realize this is OT but so was most of this thread ;-) --- Boris Lorenz wrote:
Laurie Brown wrote:
If it runs at all, which on my firewalls, it doesn't. Listen SuSE, THIS IS A PROBLEM... People (like me) are going to stop buying the SuSE distro because of this...
I can only second that. Although I do 90% of my administration/configuration on the command line, I have lots of old machines running out there with *very* limited ressources (486 DX4100 anyone?). After all, it was one of the main reasons back then for some of our customers to switch over to Linux that they could re-vitalize the older hardware. Although the demand for that isn't that high anymore, it's still there.
I want my old YaST back! :)
Cheers, Laurie.
Boris Lorenz <bolo@lupa.de> ---
-- Erwin Zierler | web- / host- / postmaster - stubainet.at | erwin.zierler@stubainet.at / webmaster@stubainet.at | Tel.: 0 5225 - 64325 Fax 99 Mobil: 0664 - 130 67 91