If we try to differentiate ourselves from other linux distros, in my opinion, we should try to be a real community distro... A place where ideas are assest independent of whom emanetes them... and where coders, packagers lend their skills to the community and they are not the drivers of what goes in... A place where your idea is rubbish cause you never commited code, you never packaged something... Maybe we should look into a kibbutz like model. Alin On 8 November 2010 15:42, Jos Poortvliet <jospoortvliet@gmail.com> wrote:
On 2010-11-05 Per wrote:
Jos Poortvliet wrote:
On 2010-11-05 Per wrote:
I guess Joos
one jos, two joos? ;-)
Who(o)ps, sorry about that, I was typoing from memory. Feel free to omit an s from my last name :-)
Per Jesen? Wel, ok :D
But no problem, just thought it was funny :D
At the conf one piece of feedback was that we need a single-sentence mission to describe what we want - very much like what fedora has:
The Fedora Project's mission is to lead the advancement of free and open source software and content as a collaborative community.
I think I like their mission and it's also pretty correct - so we brainstormed on what would fit openSUSE. Suggestions are very welcome, we currently have:
The openSUSE project's mission is to unlock the posibilities of computers to users around the globe using the power and flexibility of Linux.
Hmm, I can't help thinking this is the kind of mostly pointless corporate mission statement I've have presented with innumerable times in my corporate past.
Hmmm. to check: do you think the same about the one Fedora has?
but it's far from perfect. Somehow it should mention we focus on flexibility and power ("make things as simple as possible but no simpler"), it should be ambitious (eg worldwide blabla), focussed on end-users etc - the requirements are clear as they come from the rest of the strategy discusion. But now, how to phrase it in one sentence?
Have a lot of fun?
yeah but is that why openSUSE exists? Just to have fun? If it is, fine, of course. I thought we had a slightly higher goal, like Bringing Something Better Into This World.
Not everyone will have the exact same goal which will obviously ensure our mission WILL be a bit wide, vague (and probably, because of that, corporate?). But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to define it, right?
-- I force myself to contradict myself in order to avoid conforming to my own taste. -- Marcel Duchamp Without Questions there are no Answers! _____________________________________________________________________ Alin Marin ELENA Advanced Molecular Simulation Research Laboratory School of Physics, University College Dublin ---- Ardionsamblú Móilíneach Saotharlann Taighde Scoil na Fisice, An Coláiste Ollscoile, Baile Átha Cliath ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address: Room 318, UCD Engineering and Material Science Centre University College Dublin Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://alin.elenaworld.net alin.elena@ucdconnect.ie, alinm.elena@gmail.com ______________________________________________________________________ -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-project+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-project+help@opensuse.org