On 2011-02-10 Henne wrote:
On 02/10/2011 03:46 PM, Sebastian Kügler wrote:
On Thursday, February 10, 2011 14:58:37 Henne Vogelsang wrote:
Let me share my personal view on this, though.
It's sad to say, but the amount of stop energy when doing something differently or new does a lot of harm to the project
And everybody agrees with that in general. However this isn't the issue everybody has with this move.
People tell you that they don't like Sascha or anyone else to push things into open-slx.de infrastructure and away from opensuse.org infrastructure.
Simple fact, if moving stuff onto opensuse.org is the easiest and most promising way to get things done, we'd probably do it.
Okay so why does Sascha never raise what he needs to have to do the "openSUSE Wochenrückblick" on de.opensuse.org or some other place?
I have to agree with Henne here. The earlier discussion about the new portal as well as this thing have simply been done without discussion - just a notification that you were going to do it. I'm pretty sure you, sebas, would agree with me that that is not the right way to do it. If you do something new, that's cool. If you do it in complete isolation, dumping it on a community, knowing that it duplicates work they are doing and even goes against something they've been trying to do (unifying everything under one domain and look & feel etc) - stupid. I agree that there is too much slowing-down sometimes, but really, it has to come from both sides. openSLX has to realize that they have to work with the existing community and with the openSUSE Board as extension to that. And to make it clear, I'm also talking from Novell's perspective here. If the community is unhappy with openSLX, so is Novell.