Le samedi 29 février 2020 à 08:43:53, Patrick Shanahan a écrit :
* Christian Boltz <opensuse@cboltz.de> [02-29-20 07:53]:
Am Samstag, 29. Februar 2020, 02:21:28 CET schrieb Marina Latini:
several members asked for a clarification and, even if we tried to keep the desired confidentiality as already mentioned in the other threads, there are not many alternatives to (at least) partially disclosing what happened in the last weeks.
"Thanks" for making something (partially) public that you had promised to keep confidential.
Maybe you should also have mentioned that someone shouted Sarah down in the handover meeting for several minutes, and continued after she was already completely shocked and scared.
Even if you think someone made a mistake, that's clearly not the way to handle such cases :-(
In the following days, the way the board acted towards Sarah was not really better.
I'd hate to mention more details or even names (and therefore still ask everybody not to ask more questions), but I had to write this mail to ensure that everybody gets a somewhat balanced view.
Needless to say that the way how the board handled this situation was a very big part of the reasons for my decision to resign in protest.
Your frankness is appreciated.
And this revelation brings much concern for present board members and their cooperative attitude or lack thereof. Perhaps it is time for a "special" election and the present board members stepping down out of respect for our community. Call it "loss of confidence" or ...
Maybe we should do the opposite and not make this thing any bigger and painful than it is. I feel really confused and sorry and uncomfortable as this community member. I am glad that we had explaination from the board, but unhappy of their form. I still believe that there was a middle path, a balanced level of transparency that would have explained the resignations without exposing people's name. But calling for everybody to step down is not a solution, I imagine that this has been and still is difficult for the Board, so let's give them all a little more credit and trust. -- 'When there is no more room at school, the dumb will walk the Earth.' Sébastien 'sogal' Poher