Jim Henderson wrote:
get over it, you choose what offends you, not i/me/us/we/... and we do not necessarily feel the same.
Yes and no. If someone tells you "this thing you're doing is offensive or hurtful to me", the proper thing to do is to accept that, acknowledge it, and don't do it again.
While I cannot entirely disagree with that idea, the idea of someone actually telling me "this thing you're doing is offensive or hurtful to me" - that is pretty offensive or hurtful to me.
Um, I don't see how that's realistically possible. If someone says "please stop doing this thing that is hurtful to me", they are sharing their experience with you and asking that you stop metaphorically punching them in the face.
To me that is a criticism of my use of the language, and if we are not native speakers, either of our use could be right. I.e. I might be using it wrongly and they might be understanding it wrongly. I vote more thick skin for everyone. -- Per Jessen, Zürich (1.4°C) Member, openSUSE Heroes