Tirsdag 16 januar 2007 18:10 skrev Andreas Jaeger:
I'm mainly interested in process feedback - and not on feedback that package x is broken (unless that shows a process problem).
So, let's discuss what we can do better for our next distro,
Great idea ;-) Here are a few points from me (some of which I already mentioned on IRC) 1) Planning of new features: I don't know how much planning is done wrt. new features, but I think it would be great if there could be discussions with the community early in the process, about which new features should be high priority for the development cycle. Some of the new features on like zypper, I only found out about after it had been in factory/betas for a while. Same for the sudo yast module, if I'm not mistaken it has some bugs, and I guess noone noticed it or knew about, and hence it wasn't tested much. I know we have the commit-list, but that's rather demanding to follow. 2) Bleeding edge vs. stability: I realize that we have certain obligations wrt. to testing experimental stuff for SLE, but I guess since the box with installation support and all, is still on offer, openSUSE is supposed to reasonably solid also. I don't want openSUSE to become Debian Sarge, but I think we could move the balance a little bit towards stability and still fulfill our obligations wrt. to hardening stuff for SLE and without requiring very many resources either. I think we can be a (little) bit more conservative when selecting versions to include, especially of core stuff, like xorg, and gcc which are both unstable releases. Other than the lack of fglrx-driver for a couple of weeks I'm not aware of issues because of it, but it certainly does not inspire confidence in our beloved distro. And I think that just 2-3 weeks of additional testing after feature freeze could do a lot for the overall impression people get of using the distro. 3) Translation This may be mostly a personal issue, being a tier2 translator, but iirc the translations weren't actually included in the distro, til after translation freeze, so translators had little or no opportunity to "test" their translations. Of course this is not how things were planned.. 4) What to test I think the devs should have a pretty good idea what might need extra testing. Let us know about it. Maybe the individual devs working with bleeding edge stuff/packages could drop a quick mail to factory list: "Hi guys, I'm working on this, it's new/changed a lot, please pound on it". This does not only apply to "in-house-development", but also new cups and other upstream projects, when they do big updates. All in all, I was pretty happy with the 10.2 process. But of course there's room for some improvement and some adjustments. I'm especially pleased about stuff like kickoff, zypper and opensuse-updater, which demontstrates that not everything revolves around SLE and that openSUSE and the community still holds some weight after all. Martin --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-project+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-project+help@opensuse.org