On Sun, 2020-04-26 at 02:12 +0200, Stasiek Michalski wrote:
On Sat, Apr 25, 2020 at 22:56, AW <alexander.willand@t-online.de> wrote:
Am Donnerstag, 23. April 2020, 20:32:01 CEST schrieb Stasiek Michalski:
We do actually have companies using TW, and we could have more if we published patchinfo for it since we had some interested parties (that's pending, but it would be cool to figure out so TW is a viable option for more businesses).
Since January TW's kmail suffers from a bug regarding »umlaute«. If you receive E-Mails in German quite often you get »ÃŸ« and »Ã¶«. Since January!
That bug will land in Leap 15.2 soon too! Exciting times :D
The difference between Leap and Tumbleweed isn't in how stable they are,
but how fast you can get the bugs, and for how much shorter the bugs typically stay in the distros.
Isn't that a definition of relative stability (rate of change) between TW and Leap?
Tumbleweed will land a fix as soon as it's out there,
Along with potential new regressions making TW less stable from an overall software behavior experience than Leap. All software has bugs, and dealing with consistent behavior (including bugs) over time can be better experience for the user than constantly adjusting to new surprises.
Leap users might need to wait until the next rebase of packages, which sometimes happens every year, sometimes every two years and sometimes not until the next major version which is 4 years.
So we no longer do bug fix patching against Leap releases? What are the update repos used for then? If you referring to stability in the sense of software not crashing. I hope we still fix those classes of bugs with Leap updates. -Scott