On Monday 31 January 2011 19:45:32 Greg KH wrote:
On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 06:41:34PM +0100, Jos Poortvliet wrote:
Hi all,
I have some questions about Tumbleweed.
First of all, I wonder what the status is and will be. If someone enables Tumbleweed on the upcoming 11.4, is it very likely that most packages will be updated or are we still talking about a small subset?
I'm still working through this, but it looks like _every_ package will be updated to start with. That's the safest way to get all of the dependancies correct for any future changes that will be needed.
Ok, that's from moving from 11.3 to 11.4, yes? So from 11.4 onwards, are all maintainers going to pick packages for Tumbleweed?
If anyone knows of a way to not do this, please let me know and I will be glad to test it out, but so far in my testing, this seems needed.
Second and related to the first question, to what extend should we promote Tumbleweed? Is it a major 11.4 thing? Can we truly say Tumbleweed is something people can and should use, will it offer a pretty-much-complete rolling- release distro? (notice that this is relevant for our "why openSUSE" talking points at [1])
Yes, I think so.
Third, if the answer to the second point is positive, should we make it easy somehow to enable Tumbleweed? Eg some tickbox on installation or in our package management system?
A "one-click-install" should be provided, that should be all that is needed. I don't know about installation time just yet, maybe 11.5/12.0 might be good for that, if at all.
Obviously, I love Tumbleweed - for the slightly-more-experienced linux user and for those who love the latest & greatest it is awesome - and this happens to be a pretty big chunk of our target usergroup :D
On a personal note, I also love Tumbleweed because I think rolling-release stuff rocks - I come from Arch and frankly it's the major thing I loved about it.
Great, glad to hear it.
Oh, one question for you, how do I go about getting some artwork for the Tumbleweed project created? Any ideas?
He, I already pinged some ppl on that - we need something pretty ;-)
greg k-h
cheers, Jos