p2p is great for this, but we have to remember that p2p isn't available to everyone. It's blocked by some universities, businesses, and ISPs. Besides regular p2p/bittorrent, you can continue using Metalink to spread out
On Saturday 02 December 2006 20:40, Anthony Bryan wrote: the
downloads between mirrors, either removing the listing for the main server or lowering its priority rating. Metalinks can list mirrors, along with torrents, ed2k, and magnet links. People can then download from local servers if they set their location, since the mirrors have location and priority information.
<url type="ftp" location="jp" preference="10">
ftp://ftp.jaist.ac.jp/pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/openSUSE-10.2- RC1/iso /openSUSE-10.2-RC1-i386-CD1.iso </url> <url type="http" location="jp" preference="10">
http://ftp.kddilabs.jp/Linux/packages/opensuse/distribution/openSUSE- 10.2-R C1/iso/openSUSE-10.2-RC1-i386-CD1.iso </url>
The Metalinks for RC1 are available at http://download.packages.ro/metalink/opensuse/ . Ones for the final release will be automatically generated once the ISOs are synced to the mirrors.
That seems like a very nice idea; I investigated by downloading a few ISOs and they maxed out my connection (24mbit, but still).
Are there any plans to advertise these metalinks specifically, at all? I guess part of the problem would be that people really don't know about the procedure or applications (despite being so easy to use), unlike torrents. Still, looks like something very good to explore.
I've only been here for two previous releases, but the site was down both times and things weren't going so well at all. We get many new users in the channels asking questions, and while we'd like to give them the links to the very easy howtos on the wiki, it's not available :/. Try to improvise with Google cache, most of the time. Not ideal though.
Hi Francis, Thanks for taking the time to test metalink out. 24 mbit, nice! About 3 MB/sec? Unfortunately my home cable only gets about a third of that. I don't know if metalinks will be specifically advertised. They are listed on http://en.opensuse.org/Released_Version#Metalink, but like you said when the sites down - it's down (kinda frustrating and). One nice thing about metalink, in these busy situations you don't have to manually try all sorts of mirrors to see if you can get through. The clients do that automatically. I always hated that. As I mentioned, it allowed people to get FC6 during the mad onslaught when it seemed impossible otherwise. What I was proposing on the list (maybe not explicit enough) was that the site goes into crisis mode. Only list metalinks and torrents, and rely on p2p/mirrors to distribute the ISOs. Either stop the main site from ISO downloads, or severely limit it so the site can stay up. Only list the most important info. Make sure people can get aria2 or wxDownload Fast easily, have em packaged for a few versions back of suse. Make it as simple as possible. 1) Install RPM 2) Open terminal and type 'aria2c URLtoMetalink' 3) Wait curl and wget are adding support for metalink, but I think someone could whip something up quick which would allow either of them to use it now. It would just be a quick front end that reads the XML, and gets a chunk from a few servers, then runs md5sum on it when done. (( Anthony Bryan )) Metalink [ http://www.metalinker.org ] --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-project+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-project+help@opensuse.org