Christian Boltz wrote:
Am Samstag, 5. Dezember 2020, 18:34:35 CET schrieb Adrien Glauser:
I've just stitched together ideas for an "end of the year survey" to probe satisfaction & use cases. The first draft is visible at
I took the liberty to add a "VM" option to question 10. (Maybe that would also make sense for question 17?)
For question 12 - did you mean GPU instead of CPU?
For questions 9 and 16, maybe offer an option "none, I started with openSUSE"?
How about "SuSE Linux" ? I picked up my first copy at Hugendubel in Munich in 1996, first using it as a server/gateway, then by around 2001 I tossed out OS/2 and Windows and went full KDE. -- Per Jessen, Zürich (1.4°C) Member, openSUSE Heroes