On 5/9/2011 at 11:05 AM, in message <201105091905.58256.jospoortvliet@gmail.com>, Jos Poortvliet <jospoortvliet@gmail.com> wrote: On Monday 09 May 2011 11:27:10 Vincent Untz wrote: Le mardi 03 mai 2011, à 12:04 +0200, Vincent Untz a écrit : Now, it's not too late to change the plan. If you have a better suggestion, please tell us. There's no need to argue forever about it, just explain why you think it's good. Keep in mind that if we cannot receive the money ourselves, this also means that we cannot use it to buy stuff for openSUSE.
Thanks for all the contributions to this discussion. There are a few things that were probably badly explained in my original mail but clear in my mind, and they might be useful for everyone who has suggestions:
The main issue is "to which bank account should the money be sent?". There are several options:
- a not-for-profit organization related to openSUSE. Then, the money can be used for hardware like suggested in this thread, or for other activities.
- a not-for-profit organization not related to openSUSE. In this case, this would be a donation on behalf of the openSUSE project. I don't think we can reasonably ask most organizations to keep the money for us, especially as it might be a difficult task to handle from an accounting perspective. (Except for a few orgs who do that kind of job, like SPI or SFC, but that requires some paperwork and I'm not sure we want to do that and then create two months later a Foundation)
- a for-profit organization (most likely a company). If a company promises to use the money the way we want, for instance. It's worth pointing out that we will have no guarantee that the money will be used the way we want, and I'm unsure how well this works with Google, but we can check.
All, Working with the SUSE accounts, I have figured out a way that we can collect this money and process it through SUSE as long as we apply it to openSUSE project expenses directly. In other words, use it to pay for SDDs for OBS etc. Much harder if we tried to save the money towards some future expense. With this and pascal's request you have some good options to support OBS and/or other areas of the openSUSE project. regards, Alan Clark
- an individual. There are tax concerns for the person, and it puts some risk/pressure on her/him. I'd prefer to avoid that if possible.
I hope that helps clarify the background of the discussion.
Considering many seem to love the suggestion of supporting OBS somehow and Pacman might be a particularly 'needy' cause, the obvious question now is - Pascal, is there any way we can help Pacman within the above constraints?
You already mentioned there is no organization behind it which complicates it. But maybe you know a 'friendly' not-for-profit which can help us, or someone associated with Pacman does have a company which could help?
(if it wasn't obvious I support Adrian and Ismael in their enthusiasm for Pascal's request)
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