Here is the report for the meeting last night. June 1 Participants: gertjan, ddemaio, Syds, osezer, Onuralp #topic Status #info Registration 147 #info 1 video uploaded - https://osvcvideos.ocloud.de/index.php/s/Z7pCiSqkfHdMXBX #info Scheduled - https://events.opensuse.org/conferences/oSVC21/schedule #action ddemaio make schedule in platform #topic Video Team #info Video Team’s next meeting is June 11 #info Will set up the Video Control Center starting June 14 #info Network request made (TBD) #info Practice June 16 between 10:00 UTU and 12:00 UTC and 16:00 UTC to 18:00 UTC #topic workadventure #action ddemaio to put in link for certain social times. What link should we use? https://play.workadventu.re/_/global/dhairyachaudhary.github.io/F34-Release/... #action ddemaio register at https://workadventu.re/pricing and send Onuralp credentials What times should we schedule workadventure? #topic games #info a wiki for Urban Terror progressing #info game night/day is planned for Friday, June 18 20:00 UTC #action ddemaio keep the workadventure open and make slide for location for social events plus post in the BBB shared notes #action added Info Page - Welcome. Basic info, shared notes, rules for big blue button, link to guiding principles, https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Guiding_principles, code of conduct - https://en.opensuse.org/Code_of_Conduct, schedule. Social hours and locations, gaming, schedule links, sponsors, etc. v/r Doug On 5/31/21 4:11 PM, ddemaio wrote:
Hi all,
Tomorrow, Tuesday, June 1, we will have planning meeting for the openSUSE Conference at 18:00 UTC. The meetings will take place later in https://meet.opensuse.org/bar. There will be a brief update on the progress of the conference planning and attendance.
If you plan on attending the conference, please register https://events.opensuse.org. Registered people will receive a token to use https://opensuse.venueless.events/
If any of you have Ruby skills, there is one feature request that would be nice to have for the conference - https://github.com/openSUSE/osem/issues/2768
v/r Doug