Hi folks! If you're going to promote openSUSE somewhere soon - know that we've got your back. There are openSUSE 12.2 presentation templates courtesy of sysrich in our github repo: https://github.com/openSUSE/artwork/tree/master/slides/ Also, we have created a introduction to openSUSE 12.2 and updated our other standard slide decks about OBS, openQA, Studio and more. Find them here: https://github.com/openSUSE/artwork/tree/master/slides/12.2%20Slides There's also separate openSUSE 12.2 for presentations available in svg and other easy-to-work-with formats: https://github.com/openSUSE/artwork/tree/master/slides/12.2%20Presentation%2... Remember, we believe in Doing, Sharing and Merging, so if you have any improvements for the slides, translations, other artwork, or translations of our other stuff, just send them to me or create a merge request on github ;-) Oh, and those not yet following us on G+: https://plus.google.com/s/openSUSE Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/opensuseproject/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/openSUSE Pls do so ;-) Have a lot of fun and let us know if you use the slides, Jos