On 4/17/24 4:45 PM, Richard Brown wrote:
On 2024-04-17 06:54, Simon Lees wrote:
Secondly unlike our other platforms where we have moderator teams per platform traditionally on irc going back 15+ years we have per channel moderation. So while I was appointed a moderator on #opensuse I never had my client setup to join #opensuse-chat, i'd join at times to discuss issues with people but as far as i'm aware since the updated CoC was added no one was actively moderating #opensuse-chat, in fact one thing we seemed to miss was that in the migration from freenode to libera.chat the people who used to have moderator permissions there did not have this restored. I did join #opensuse-chat again once complaints were raised about it specifically I don't know when that was but certainly the initial discussion didn't mention that channel specifically.
Simon, I am afraid I cannot agree with the recollection of events as you describe them above. During the migration to LiberaChat, the folk migrating the various #opensuse channels gave Op rights (+o) directly to people who requested it.
In the case of #opensuse-chat, I granted the following person operator privileges when they requested it on May 27 12:52:12 2021
This is your IRC Nick, is it not? I don't think this is a Jia Tan situation
I did not grant +o flags to anyone else on #opensuse-chat I ONLY granted +o flags when people explicitly asked me for them, as I had no record of who moderated our Freenode channels
It just isn't true that #opensuse-chat didn't have a moderator..it did. It was you. Since we moved to Libera.
Thanks for the info, I do think I remember asking for it as a after thought for backup safety in case someone reported something, but I never at any point volunteered to sit in that channel and moderate it day to day. Traditionally that channel had too much volume for me to commit to and I believed #opensuse was far more important to the general community. When I checked the channel access list the other day, Shawn was the only person with +o set other then the founders, so I presumed that I wasn't granted access there given I still have +o in #opensuse. So in this case it seems like at some point everyone who you initially set as having +o on #opensuse-chat has had that flag removed at some point. For what its worth while I did have the +o flag set there no one directly contacted me with a complaint about anyone else's behavior. -- Simon Lees (Simotek) http://simotek.net Emergency Update Team keybase.io/simotek SUSE Linux Adelaide Australia, UTC+10:30 GPG Fingerprint: 5B87 DB9D 88DC F606 E489 CEC5 0922 C246 02F0 014B