On Sunday, 26 August 2018 19:20:47 ACST, Carlos E. R. wrote:
On 08/25/2018 08:09 PM, Per Jessen wrote:
Knurpht-openSUSE wrote: ...
Me too. I would like to know what each board member votes, so that next time we have to elect the board I can make an informed choice. This is simple democratic standards. I can know what each member of parliament said on camera or what each one voted, except when the vote was decided to be secret.
Currently the board decides via mutual agreement what level of detail we will post about each topic in our minutes which ranges from sometimes including a detailed description to other times not even mentioning we discussed the topic in the minutes, when deciding on this the board has to evaluate whats in the best interest of the project and the parties involved. Personally I am almost always happy to justify my actions / choices but I won't do it in such a way that undermines publicly what the board has chosen to make public vs keeping in confidence. I am happy to bring up the topic of whether we should list who voted for and against in the minutes by default unless someone requests otherwise but I can understand how people may feel more free to vote for the best option for the project rather then to protect themselves if the vote is private, you also have to remember that in many cases when we vote we have all the information at hand to make the best decision and for a multitude of reasons we may not decide to make all that information public, it then becomes very hard to justify my vote one way or another if its made based on information we don't want to or can't make public. For that reason I believe there will always be cases where who voted for what should remain private. Having said that for 90% of things so far decisions have been reached unanimously without needing to vote. -- Simon Lees (Simotek) http://simotek.net Emergency Update Team keybase.io/simotek SUSE Linux Adelaide Australia, UTC+10:30 GPG Fingerprint: 5B87 DB9D 88DC F606 E489 CEC5 0922 C246 02F0 014B