2 things are taken in care while framing the trademark policies ( I saw while looking at other foundation trademark usage policy) 1. The trademark usage guildelines should be flexible enough so that everyone can use it. 2. It should not derrogate the brand name 3.Some like Python also distinguish between free usage and commercial usage as in commercial usage require permissions. References http://www.python.org/psf/trademarks/ http://www.apache.org/foundation/marks/#guidelines http://www.mysql.com/about/legal/trademark.html http://www.eclipse.org/legal/logo_guidelines.php http://kb.askmonty.org/v/trademark-policy On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 4:36 PM, Jean Cayron <jean.cayron@gmail.com> wrote:
2011/3/9 Helen South <helen.south@opensuse.org>:
NO, this is really very clear. the TITLE means the name of the publication itself, for example, "Linux Magazine".
As it's so clear, why do people like me ask it? The title of a publication can be the title of the article of the review inside Linux Magazine or the title of the blogpost. One does not call the title of a post or article "name of the post/article" but well "title". So it's well confusing.
A publication can be anything made available to the public, including electronic publishing. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Publication)
While a title is (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/title): 3.The name of a book, film, musical piece, painting, or other work of art. 4.A publication. 5.A written title, credit, or caption shown with a film, video, or performance (usually titles pl). 6.The subject of a writing; a short phrase that summarizes the entire topic.
And a name is (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/name): 1.Any word or phrase which indicates a particular person, place, class, or thing.
If one will use that word "title", a short example should be given. Also can a publication be many things.
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