On 29/04/18 18:40, Administrator wrote:
On 28 Apr 2018, at 18:47, Kostas Koudaras <warlordfff@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello people of openSUSE after the longest election period in the history of the project elections ended in a successful way. 237 people voted out of 400 which is a record of participation both in percentage and in actual number. It was the first year we attempted to vote through Helios Voting System and we solved all problems that came to our attention. I must say that although the work of the election committee ends somewhere around here the new elected members have a long way ahead of them and us as the election committee wish them all the best. With no further delay I present you the results of the elections for 2018: Gertjan Lettink (Knurpht) 166 Simon Lees 133 Ana María Martínez 185 Gerry Makaro (Fraser_Bell) 98 Aaron Luna 72
The First three: Gertjan Lettink (Knurpht),Simon Lees and Ana María Martínez,will serve a two year term.
Best Regards Kostas "Warlordfff" Koudaras
I’d like to congratulate Ana for joining the board.
Although I’m not a voting member bu as along time use and supporter of (open)SuSE, and in the interests of diversity, could I ask for a breakdown of the voting membership and board by gender and racial origin. If the results are as I suspect, what are board’s plans for addressing this?
And don’t start with the nonsense about “unbiassed” and “meritocracy.”
One of the things i've always loved about openSUSE is the diversity of its members, even in Australia one of the biggest pieces of feedback I get is openSUSE is great for us because you understand English isn't the only language and you ship with a large number of translations which is something many distro's don't do (Australian universities have a reasonably high percentage of International students mostly from around Asia). Is there more we can do here, probably there are many parts of openSUSE that are very hard to contribute to if you don't speak and understand atleast some english, as I said in the election debate this is something i'd like to see improved, as someone who only speaks english i'm really not sure of the best way but am open to suggestions. I think the other replies cover everything else really well so I won't say anymore. -- Simon Lees (Simotek) http://simotek.net Emergency Update Team keybase.io/simotek SUSE Linux Adelaide Australia, UTC+10:30 GPG Fingerprint: 5B87 DB9D 88DC F606 E489 CEC5 0922 C246 02F0 014B