Hi, I tried my luck on the factory list with asking about the plans, goals and dreams :-) for the comming releases. Seen from Novell´s point of view. Not much came of that unfortunately. What I´m looking for is much more than which upgrade upgraded desktop environment is going in. What use cases does Novell want to reach? What should the user be able to do with SUSE? - Portability/Laptop/Nettbooks and so on - Connectivity of devices - Support for syncronizing devices - Home server setup, mediaserver, DNLA, UpnP, file , print and so on. All the nice stuff that needs to be made with KDE this or that and Gnome what ever. It would be really good if Novell can take a user stand and not a developer stand in the comming project. And with user , I´m thinking of the everyday user that does not even know what Linux is. The most important thing is not which desktop environment version is available, but what an everyday user can do with it. So pleeeeease somebody, enlighten me :-) Is there any strategy available? Kind regards, Birger