On 07/03/2020 23.13, Knurpht-openSUSE wrote:
Op zaterdag 7 maart 2020 16:53:30 CET schreef jdd@dodin.org:
Le 07/03/2020 à 14:20, Christian Boltz a écrit :
And if by “Chris” you mean Christopher Boltz, a simple look at the
Never heard of that guy, should I know him?
may be you should :-)))))
on the subject, I see opensuse@oo as a "family" list. On your family, I guess many discussion go here and there, but very often interesting. There are often more answers on digression than on initial subject :-(, but this also mean than many people read the mail, even when non answering.
for one shot question, I tend to use the forum.
jdd I'm sorry, but the "many people" outright refuse to use our mailing lists, because what they see as the main list ( after all it's called opensuse@opensuse.org ) not as 'family' but as 'incrowd. Just have a look at the "Why swap?" thread: A good dozen of posters creating a 100+ thread. Absolutely irrelevant for those who seek support.
That's for the OP to say. I believe he is happy.
And a simple question about TW's partitioner that any of those on the swap thread could have replied to, stays unanswered. Absolutely without any value for the community outside the 'incrowd'.
What question? If I don't answer a question about TW is because I do not know a proper answer. If you refer to the "TW partitioning propsal swap" thread, it was answered properly. If you refer to "Tumbleweed yast partitioner" thread, I do not know an answer. -- Cheers / Saludos, Carlos E. R. (from 15.1 x86_64 at Telcontar)