Martin Schlander schrieb:
I think we can be a (little) bit more conservative when selecting versions to include, especially of core stuff, like xorg, and gcc which are both unstable releases. Other than the lack of fglrx-driver for a couple of weeks I'm not aware of issues because of it, but it certainly does not inspire confidence in our beloved distro.
gcc in openSUSE 10.2 is not an unstable release. Don't be fooled by the package name. Novell has its own branches in the gcc svn (just like Red Hat, Apple and other vendors) and makes its releases from there. Consider gcc as distributed in openSUSE 10.2 the "stable Novell release". Calling it "4.1.2_20061115" or "gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (SUSE Linux)" is just for orientation purposes so that people know what FSF gcc release it corresponds to, but strictly speaking, SUSE gcc is not FSF gcc. gcc has been handled this way for a long time and it's good because otherwise it's hard to identify regressions early enough to fix them. Overall I'm very satisfied with how the packages are updated or not, I think that users should rather start testing earlier (long _before_ feature freeze - starting with an RC is too late) instead of doing the feature freeze earlier. This needs some support from the community, users should be encouraged to test earlier. Andreas Hanke --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: