On 2020/11/10 02:49, Carlos E. R. wrote:
On 10/11/2020 08.53, Per Jessen wrote:
Carlos E. R. wrote:
On 09/11/2020 21.56, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
Yes, that listname prefix in the Subject header
you can use procmail to update subject's with visual indicators based on *any* unique headers.
Maybe try "imapfilter", I think that might do what you need.
I'm intrigued. Thanks.
--- This is one area where a custom script is hard to beat. Admittedly I wrote it for perl4 when I worked for Sun and I chose it over procmail as procmail had some growing pains back then. However, unless one knows a good scripting language, pretty well, it is a bit daunting to add to an existing flow. It's also a major reason I'm picky about my system's perl setup as it does effectively does sorting for over 100 email addrs. Runs it through SpamAssassin as well and it does email-related service monitoring and kills fetchmail if it doesn't detect the right ones running. At times, I had it sorting over 100-150/day into about 85+ folders.
I have installed it. It is a complex thing.
Almost anything that gives you the flexibility to filter anything is going to be complex.
However, I do not see the capability to edit the subject line (or anything) at the server. Yes, I could sort them in folders, but that would create havoc to my workflow in many manners.
---- Yeah, I understand that -- you get one that works for you, and change can result in painful productivity problems. My script filters out that [listname] stuff on many, but I have to choose to remove it since I was very cautious about changing emails.