Op zaterdag 8 november 2003 17:03, schreef Richard Bos:
Jerry and others,
thank you for your thoughts and idea's sofar, but I still did not find the cause. I would like to try the following:
- At 8.2 if possible install the suse-9.0 gcc-c++ compiler. This is version 3.3.1 while 8.2 comes with 3.3. That way I can detect if the problem is introduced by the compiler change. Oh the other way is possible too of course, install gcc-c++-3.3 in suse-9.0.
Does anyone see problem with down/up grading the compiler?
The compiler downgrade worked okay and I'm very very pleased to have found the cause of the strange characters in the output of my compiled executable! The exact same sources built on exact the same system (9.0) do not give the strange and unexpected characters with gcc-c++ 3.3 (suse-8.2)! Now what to do? Can anyone of suse jump in to help to find the bug in gcc or must I redirect my bug to the gcc mailinglist? -- Richard Bos Without a home the journey is endless