Hi all, Does anybody know if there is a version of IBM TSM client for Suse PPC ??? How can I get it? My hardware is a RS/6000 F50. TIA, Marcus Aureliano A. R. Oliveira FIAT do Brasil S/A - ITS LA Fone: 0xx31589-4731 Fax: 0xx31589-4004 e-mail: marcus.aureliano@itsla.com.br

On Tue, Nov 27, AURELIANO Marcus wrote:
Hi all,
Does anybody know if there is a version of IBM TSM client for Suse PPC ??? How can I get it?
My hardware is a RS/6000 F50.
I dont know that TSM is, but grepping through the file lists shows nothing TSM related. Gruss Olaf -- $ man clone BUGS Main feature not yet implemented...

Is it possible to download an ISO of the install CD's, when I looked through the FTP sites all I could find was individual packages/parts. I don't mind buying full product (I believe it's worth it just for the manual in Suse case), but I'd just like to check it works on my 5500 before I blow 45 big ones. Regards ST

(Apologies, posted this earlier with the wrong subject, here it is under the correct subject.) Is it possible to download an ISO of the install CD's, when I looked through the FTP sites all I could find was individual packages/parts. I don't mind buying full product (I believe it's worth it just for the manual in Suse case), but I'd just like to check it works on my 5500 before I blow 45 big ones. Regards ST

Hi! at least for the x86 and ppc versions of SuSE there are no ISOs available. You can perform an FTP-install though. Zitat von Simon Troup <simon.troup@digitalmusicart.com>:
(Apologies, posted this earlier with the wrong subject, here it is under the correct subject.)
Is it possible to download an ISO of the install CD's, when I looked through the FTP sites all I could find was individual packages/parts. I don't mind buying full product (I believe it's worth it just for the manual in Suse case), but I'd just like to check it works on my 5500 before I blow 45 big ones.
-- Mit freundlichem Gruss, Roland Hebertinger ========================================================= Roland Hebertinger Straubinger Tagblatt FON: +49.9421.9406238 Ludwigsplatz 30 Mobil: +49.171.3379910 D-94315 Straubing FAX: +49.9421.9404236 http://www.idowa.de Email: rh@idowa.de ========================================================= Verlagsgruppe Straubinger Tagblatt / Landshuter Zeitung ========================================================= ------------------------------------------------------- This mail was sent using IMP at http://webmail.idowa.de
participants (5)
Christian Schmidt
Olaf Hering
Roland Hebertinger
Simon Troup