that could explaon all the sapmming I get the past few months !!!! seth wrote:
I just did a check on www.google.com to see if my e-mail address is listed anywhere on the web. Just a little paranoid about spammers getting it. I know a lot of spammers harvest email addresses via web spiders, and due to the already questionable ethics of these individuals, I'm not going to trust that their spiders will adhere to robots.txt directives...
Well, the ONLY place my e-mail address appeared was on the www.suse.com website in a publicly-available archive of this list.
I would really like my address to be removed from this archive or at a minimum have one of the following done to block spambots from harvesting it:
1. Do a regsub on the '@' with some other combinations of characters (eg. |@|, [AT], (a), etc.) throughout this entire archive. 2. Make the archive available only via formposts. This isn't such a good solution because it also blocks good-natured indexing engines like google. 3. Make the addresses appear via a formpost button that opens a popup window or some such display of the address.
Obviously, option #1 is the easiest solution. What do other participants in this list think?
Seth Johnson
-- John Pagonis ---------------------- http://www.pagonis.org ----------------------