Hi, due the reduced manpower and increased maintenance load, we are not able to provide any reasonable support (nor bugfixing, nor updates) for the following list of packages: * multimedia:apps/audacity; A Free, Cross-Platform Digital Audio Editor * graphics/barcode; Text-Mode Barcode Creation Utility * devel:tools/colordiff; Colour-highlighted 'diff' output * Base:System/convert; Unit Conversion * devel:libraries:c_c++/dbh; Disk-Based Hash Library * server:database/dbview; Viewer for dBase III and dBase IV Files * graphics/dx; IBM Open Visualization Data Explorer * Education/garlic; Molecular Graphics Visualization Tool * Education/gonvert; Unit Conversion Utility * GNOME:Apps/gwget; GTK+ Front-End to wget * bundle-lang-gnome-extras * network/licq; A graphical ICQ Client for Linux * graphics/pixmap; XPM Pixel Editor for the X Window System * server:proxy/privoxy; The Internet Junkbuster - HTTP Proxy Server * multimedia:apps/qtractor; A MIDI/Audio multi-track sequencer * Education/rasmol; Molecular Graphics Visualization Tool * graphics/sk1; Python-Based Vector Drawing Program * network:telephony/smssend; interface to internet SMS forwarding services * devel:languages:tcl/spectcl; Interface Builder for Tcl/Tk and Java * devel:tools/tkdiff; 2 and 3-way diff/merge tool * multimedia:apps/tuxguitar; A multitrack guitar tablature editor and player * Virtualization/virtualbox-ose; VirtualBox OSE is an Emulator * installation-images * X11:Utilities/xcolors; Displays colors defined in rgb.txt * X11:Utilities/xgrabsc; A Screen Grabber for the X Window System. * X11:Utilities/xfishtank; An aquarium in the root window * Education/xmoontool; The Moon in focus * X11:Utilities/xroach; Some cockroaches on your root window * X11:Utilities/xselection; Manipulate the XSelection * graphics/zimg; display 2-D data of arbitrary format * network/ytalk; Multi-User replacement for Unix talk client Regards Michal Vyskocil