Am Donnerstag, 22. November 2001 18:13 schrieb Olivier M.:
- No network (if not configured via linuxrc) : reason is I guess that the install file is a 2.4.12 kernel, and the files in /lib/modules/ are for a 2.4.2 kernel -> version problems...
--> how could I compile another kernel to replace the install file ? tried to replace it with the vmlinux file, but it failed.
In SuSE Linux 7.1 there is only a 2.4.2er Kernel (and 2.2.something) I'm very happy with 2.4.14 on my PowerBook G3. Just Download it from configure it, compile it with make dep make clean make vmlinux make modules make modules_install Now you can install the kernel (vmlinux) as replacement of the old kernel. Don't forget to change links on the kernel if you use some.
- no XFree yet: sax fails, and using the XF86Config file from doesn't help
It's a very old version on 7.1. Take the Update to XFree86 4.1.0 from the ftp-server from SuSE.
Some other little but very annoying things: - how can I set the notebook to sleep/suspend mode ? (no apm command found)
Use pmud, it's not part of SuSE Linux 7.1 and it dosen't work very well on my notebook.
- mounting HFS (not HFS+) partitions also fails (but it's maybe because of the modules problem).
Works fine hire with kernel 2.4.14. As I remember it worked also fine with kernel 2.4.2 (and not very much worked on kernel 2.4.2 ...)
- the fan is running very loud under linux, even with a load of 0.00
Hm, I can only here the harddisk on my Powerbook, everything else is silent.
So, I hope it situation will be better under 7.3 (could somebody from Suse confirm?). Any input welcome :-)
If you understand german, take a look on my homepage, I've written down, what I've done to be happy with my PowerBook. It's a G3 Wallstreet II, but maybe this can help you with your G4: -- Machs gut | | Manfred |