Hello, Am Mittwoch, den 17.06.2009, 12:25 +0530 schrieb Abhradip Mukherjee:
A new structure might help. Here's a proposal. We can introduce a thing called "Free Media Program" and under this program we can distribute DVD and other medias to people who apply for them. Names of all "Free Media Person"(from now FMP) will be listed on OpenSUSE website (wiki) for general people to find out. Each "FMP" will be given a set of DVD medias. People finding the "FMP" for their locality will visit him/her and will ask for DVD medias. The "FMP" then will collect a DVD replacement from the person and will give him a "copy" of the DVD. This way individual need can be satisfied.
As for the events, DVD is not everything. Events require banners (atleast designs for such should be provided), batches and other swags (Like T-Shirts for main organizers sent in an Event Box),
It is our task to try out was in the boxes should be and is to design ;) Look at the url after my last words in this mail :D
some amount of financial help and speakers. In case of Fedora, financial help is provided to a selected set of ambassadors, who represent a particular region on earth.
The difference between RedHat and Novell, they sponsor a project is RedHat has since his founding earned money with open source - Novell not. Most people from Novell think why we spent money for linux we can have it for free. When you look in the evolution of fedora and SUSE-Linux you can see this. Every decision for give the community more rights an make it easier for the community to engage on the devlopment and distribution of suse, was a lot time after RedHat/fedora ;) I had a little discussion with zonker about this at last time. He spoke to me he think its better to give this few money was he have for the contrib conf. He has right. Maybe in next time has a guy from Novell an inspiration and the suse-project is given an budget manager (with more money) to ;)
The steering committee is formed of such people.
yeah I know this people, I know Max and Joerg ;)
"They don't have any country leader system for a particular country".
ooh in my country I know this guy too and for my region too ;)
As for OpenSUSE it now depends on us whether we will implement a country based system or a region based system.
Yes we had a little bit discussion about this and no decision how we should handle this is made.
As far as speakers are concerned a list should be maintained.
Any ways I am always ready for any charge of maintaining DVDs for my region :)
ATM in my country exist a speech "Read first then act!" http://en.opensuse.org/Ambassador/Brainstorming -- more http://karl-tux-stadt.de/ktuxs http://www.xing.com/go/invita/11208336 -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-marketing+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-marketing+help@opensuse.org