Re: [m17n] Settings for german system with partly simplified chinese use

Citeren Florian Ehinger <>:
I have problems setting up my sytem. Normally I want to have german language, but since I'm living in China at the moment I also want to display simplified chinese texts properly and use sometimes chinese Inputmethods.
Did you install all the appropriate SCIM packages? All you seem to me to need is the desired chinese characters and the Chinese SCIM packages. Which system do you use? On the SuSE 9.3 I use, all needed SCIM-stuff is there and can be installed with the YaST software installer, simply entering "SCIM" in the search field. I think it works great, you can enter Chinese in any text field. My problem is not to use scim, this is working in most programs. My Problem is that when I don't set the RC_LC_CTYPE="zh_CN.UTF8" variable not all simplified chinese characters are shown. I think the system use a traditional chinese font. If I set the variable I have the problems described in the last email!
Bye Flo
Hi, Sorry for my unhelpful comment, I'm afraid I can't help you any further with this, because I use only Korean as far as Asian fonts are concerned, and Korean is a lot simpler than Chinese I guess. Good luck, Herman
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