Hi I hope somebody of the OpenSuse developer is on the list. I use German with Chinese as the second language under OS10.1 There is still an anoying problem with the java font configuration. Everytime when I update my java version the font configuration files are set to a default value. I think It should be no big problem to set the values in /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun-1.5.0_07/jre/lib/fontconfig.SuSE.properties so that they are working with the current language setting. I think this could be done by SuSEconfig. My problem is that after an update java programs are not displaying simplified chinese characters anymore. I change the following settings in fontconfig.SuSE.properties sequence.allfonts.UTF-8.zh=latin-1,chinese-iso10646,chinese-gb2312,chinese-big5,japanese-x0208,japanese-x0201 sequence.fallback=lucida,chinese-big5,chinese-gb2312,chinese-iso10646,japanese-x0208,japanese-x0201,korean Hopefully this could be fixed in one of the following versions. Or at least the changed files should not be overwritten by an update. Thanks Florian
participants (1)
Florian Ehinger